List of Publications Edited Books: Plastic Materialities: politics, legality and metamorphosis in the work of Catherine Malabou, co-edited with Jon Goldberg-Hiller (Durham: Duke University Press, 2015) 360 pages *Reflections on Dispossession: Critical Feminisms* ed. with Davina Bhandar (London: Living Commons Press, forthcoming) Articles: 2015 “Possession, Occupation an Registration: Recombinant Ownership in the Settler Colony” in *Journal of Settler Colonial Studies *Special Issue on Settler Colonialism and Military Occupation, ed. Professor David Lloyd (forthcoming), p1-10 2015 “Critical Legal Studies and the Politics of Property” in *Property Law Review*, special issue on Research Methods in Property Law, eds Sarah Blandy and Susan Bright, p186-194 2015 “Title By Registration: instituting property and conjuring racial value in the settler colony” *Journal of Law and Society*, Vol. 42, Issue 2, p253-282 2014 “Property, Law and Race: modes of abstraction” in UC Irvine Law Review, Vol. 4 2012 “Strategies of Legal Rupture: the politics of judgment” in Windsor Access to Justice Yearbook,Vol. 30, pp59-78 2011 “Plasticity and post-colonial recognition: owning, knowing and being” in Law and Critique, Vol 22, Issue 3, pp227-249 2009 “The Ties that Bind: multiculturalism and secularism reconsidered” in Journal of Law and Society Vol.36, Issue 2, pp 301-326 2007 “Re-covering the Limits of Recognition: The Politics of Difference and Decolonisation in John Borrows’ Recovering Canada: The Resurgence of Indigenous Law” in the Australian Feminist Law Journal, Vol.27, pp 125-155 2004 “Anxious reconciliation(s): unsettling foundations and spatializing history” in Environment and Planning Journal, Society and Space, Vol.22 Issue 6, pp 831-845 2002 “Always on the Defence: The Myth of Universality and the Persistence of Privilege in Legal Education” in Canadian Journal of Women and the Law, Vol.14, No.2, pp 341-361 Book Chapters: 2016 “Registering Interests: Modern Methods of Valuing Life and Land” in Chris Tomlins and Justin Deseutels-Stein eds. *Contemporary Legal Thought* (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, forthcoming) 2016 “Representing Dispossession: Property and Photography in Edward Said and Jean Mohr’s *After the Last Sky*” with Alberto Toscano, in *Race, Law and the Postcolonial* eds. Denise Ferreira da Silva and Mark Harris (London: Routledge, forthcoming, approximately 8000 words) 2015 “Status as Property: Identity, Land and the Dispossession of First Nations Women in Canada” in B. Bhandar and D. Bhandar eds. *Reflections on Dispossession: Critical Feminisms* (London: Living Commons Press, forthcoming) 2014 “Introduction: Staging Encounters” co-authored with Jonathan Goldberg-Hiller, in *Plastic Materialities: Politics, Legality and Metamorphosis* (in press, 11 145 words) 2014 “Law, Sovereignty and Recognition” co-authored with Jonathan Goldberg-Hiller, in *Plastic Materialities: Politics, Legality and Metamorphosis* (in press, 11 000 words) 2012 “Dis-assembling Legal Form: Ownership and the Racial Body” in New Critical Legal Thinking: Law, Politics and the Political eds Douzinas, Costas, Matt Stone and Illan Rua Wall (London: Routledge) 112-127 2010 “The conceit of sovereignty: towards post-colonial technique” in Storied Communities: Narratives of Contact and Arrival in Constituting Political Community, eds. H. Lessard, R. Johnson and J. Webber (Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press) 68-88 2007 “‘Spatializing history’ and opening time: resisting the reproduction of the proper subject” in Law and the Politics of Reconciliation ed. Scott Veitch (Hampshire: Ashgate, 2007), 93-109 Book Reviews: 2014 Review of Adam Hanieh’s *Lineages of Revolt: Issues of Contemporary Capitalism in the Middle East* (London: Haymarket, 2013) in *The Middle East Institute in London* magazine (2000 words) 2011 Review of Plasticity at the Dusk of Writing: Dialectic, Destruction, Deconstruction, by Catherine Malabou (New York: Columbia University Press, 2011) in Theory and Event, Vol. 14, Issue 1, (co-authored with Jon Goldberg-Hiller) 2010 Review of A Discourse on Domination in Mandate Palestine: Imperialism, Property and Insurgency, by Zeina B. Ghandour (London: Routledge, 2010) in Modern Law Review, Nov., 73:6 2009 Review of Hegel’s Laws: the Legitimacy of a Modern Legal Order by William Conklin (Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2008) in Journal of Law, Cultures and Humanities, October, Vol 5 2009 Review of Politics of the Veil by Joan Scott (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2007) in Feminist Legal Studies, Vol 17(3) 2004 “Unmapping Myths and Deterritorializing Knowledge(s)” a review of Race, Space and the Law: Unmapping a White Settler Society, edited by Sherene H. Razack (Toronto: Between the Lines, 2002), in Canadian Journal of Women and the Law, Vol.16, No.1 Case Note: 1998 “R. v. R.D.S: A Summary” in Canadian Journal of Women and the Law, Volume 10, No.1 Media & Open Access: “The First Nations of Canada are still waiting for the colonial era to end” *The Guardian* Comment is Free Section, October 21, 2013 “A Right to the University” *London Review of Books Blog*, 10 December 2013 I have contributed several pieces on the politics of austerity, critical race theory, and other topical issues to the *Critical Legal Thinking Blog.* |
Brenna Bhandar is Senior Lecturer in Law at SOAS. Her current research project examines the role of modern property law and racial logics in the dispossession of indigenous land in settler colonies. She has published many articles on the recognition of indigenous rights, property law, and critical legal theory. |