First Workshop: Purpose and Schedule The Inaugural Workshop The purpose of this inaugural meeting is to think out loud and collectively about a set of crucial issues/objectives (see below). Additionally, we would like to begin drafting an agenda for moving forward with regard to subsequent meetings and activities here in the United States as well as in Europe and in the region. We also need to discuss the meaning, utility, and mechanism of building a Political Economy Network, a platform, and a resource bank/base. Other suggestions are naturally welcome by virtue of the raison d'etre of this endeavor. Preliminary Objectives We are entertaining the following set of objectives, plans, and ideas, all of which can be refined and revised collectively, at the meeting, and/or in due time. 1. We would like to bring research and production in political economy to the center of research endeavors to the extent possible. 2. We would like to address network building among folks, between and across disciplines and geographical focus, so as to build synergy and not make efforts mutually exclusive. 3. We would like to encourage collaborative projects/analysis/texts. 4. We would like to consider building a platform (electronic and beyond, on Jadaliyya or elsewhere), maybe eventually a training institute, which can be lodged in one or more of the universities where we teach. It is ambitious, but we can decide the pace and contours later. 5. We would like to build a resource base that is truly useful and user-friendly for folks doing research in political economy. 6. We would like to carve out time and funds for empirically non-pressing analytical/theoretical treatments/conversations (and not let the “moment” consume our efforts). 7. We would like to ask our colleagues to nominate other folks who might be interested in this project, so we may invite them. 8. [Suggestions?] Clearly this is an ambitious list, but it allows us to share some of the material that we would like to address and discuss without foreclosing other suggestions. click above to visit Status/الوضع
Workshop and LogisticsPolitical Economy Project
AGENDA Internal Workshop 1 Timeline Summary Friday April 24, 2015
Saturday April 25, 2015
Attendees (PEP) Bassam Haddad, Adam Hanieh, Sherene Seikaly, Omar Dahi, Laleh Khalili, Joel Beinin, Toby Jones, Melani Cammett, Ziad Abu-Rish, Max Ajl, Pete Moore, Ahmad Shokr, Paul Amar, Aaron Jakes, Wael Gamal, Rafeef Ziadah, Charles Anderson, Firat Bozcali, Toufic Haddad, Mandy Turner, Shana Marshall Guests: Chris Toensing , Sheila Carapico, Noura Erakat, Ricky Martin Organizing Team (PEP) Bassam Haddad, Adam Hanieh, Sherene Seikaly, Ziad Abu-Rish, Melissa Bejjani, Michael Ernst, Nader Atasi, Ezzat Shehadeh. Status Rapporteurs: Nour Joudah, Tariq Radi Address, Transportation, and Contact information
ASI Conference Room Address: Middle East Studies 4087 University Drive, Suite 3200 Commerce Building, MSN 1H3 Fairfax, VA 22030 Map Link BUS SCHEDULE April 24 8:30am - One-way Transfer: Pickup at Courtyard Marriott (11220 Lee Jackson Memorial Hwy, Fairfax) to GMU Commerce Building (4087 University Drive, Fairfax) 5:15pm - Pickup at GMU Commerce Building to Courtyard Marriott (Leave hotel at 6:30) to Bombay Bistro (3570 Chain Bridge Road, Fairfax) to Courtyard Marriott (Leave dinner at 8:45) April 25 8:45am - One-way Transfer: Pickup at Courtyard Marriott (11220 Lee Jackson Memorial Hwy, Fairfax) to GMU Commerce Building (4087 University Drive, Fairfax) 5:15pm - Pickup at GMU Commerce Building to Courtyard Marriott (Leave hotel at 6:30) to Baladna Restaurant (11266 James Swart Circle, Fairfax) (Leave dinner at 8:30) to Professor's House (10832 Oakcrest Ct, Fairfax) 11:30pm - Pickup at Bassam/Noura’s House to return to Courtyard Marriott SCHEDULE FRIDAY, 24 APRIL *Times are approximate—final breakdown provided at meeting. 9:00 a.m. – 9:30 a.m. Set-Up and Breakfast @ASI Office Conference Room 9:30 a.m. – 10:00 a.m. Introduction of Participants 10:00 a.m. – 10:20 a.m. Introduction to the Project 10:30 a.m. – 11:15 a.m. Introduction to Knowledge Production Project: Linkages and Political Economy Research Committee 11:15 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. Coffee Break 11:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. General Discussion of Purpose and Goals 1:00 p.m. – 2:30 p.m. Lunch (Resource Page Development Presentation/Discussion) 2:30 p.m. – 3:30 p.m. Presentations (Part 1) (10 min each) : : See page 3 for order : : 3:30 p.m. – 3:45 p.m. Coffee Break 3:45 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. Presentations (Continued) SATURDAY, 25 APRIL *Times are approximate—final breakdown provided at meeting. 9:00 a.m. – 9:30 a.m. Breakfast @ASI Office Conference Room 9:30 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. Presentations (Part 2) (10 min each) : : See page 3 for order : : 11:00 a.m. – 11:15 p.m. Coffee 11:30 A.m. – 1:00 p.m. General Discussion of Presentation Themes 1:00 p.m. – 2:30 p.m. Lunch (Discussion Continues During Lunch) 2:30 p.m. – 3:30 p.m. Governance, Committees, and Funding (Starting Points) 3:30 p.m. – 3:45 p.m. Coffee Break 3:45 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. Future Workshops Non-Workshop Activities Friday: Dinner at 6:45 pm, free night! Saturday: Dinner at 6:45 pm, Party/Gathering at Bassam and Noura’s at 8:30 pm, Optional Debauchery. Bus leaves back to hotel at 11:30 (See Bus Schedule Above for Transportation) Presentations Schedule (10 Minutes Each) Presentations may address any aspect(s) of the following questions. However, feel free to improvise and/or share your own work/research agenda as well.
Provisional Order of Presentation : : Papers Here (Presentation #11 through #14 might fall on either day depending on the progress of the meeting)
First Workshop (April 24-25, 2015) "Development and the Uprisings" Location: ASI Office, George Mason Second Workshop (June 14-15, 2015) "The Arab Uprisings: Class Formation and Class Dynamics" Location: SOAS, London Third Workshop (September 14, 2015) "The Palestinian Economy: Fragmentation and Colonization" Location: Birzeit University, Ramallah Fourth Workshop (September 17, 2015) "Tunisia: An Economy in Transition" Location: Tunis, Tunisia Fifth Workshop (October 8, 2015) "Turkey: Migrant States and Mobile Economies" Location: GMU, VA Sixth Workshop (November 6, 2015) "Political Economy of the Middle East: Continuities and Discontinuities in Teaching and Research" Location: GMU, VA Seventh Workshop (November 7, 2015) "Pedagogy Workshop" Location: GMU, VA Eighth Workshop (February 19-21, 2016) “New Directions in Middle Political Economy" Location: Stanford, CA |