List of Publications A Study in Libyan Social Reality, Tripoli 1969 (in Arabic). “Father’s Brother’s Marriage in Arab Communities: A Problem for Sociological Explanation” (1970). Middle East Forum 46(2), 73-84. The West Bank Economic and Social Structure 1948-1974, Beirut 1975. “Sociology and Underdevelopment”, monograph, Durham University Library, 1970. “The Management of Male Dominance in Traditional Arab Culture: A Tentative Model”, Civilizations, Vol. XXI , 1971, No.1. TAFITI (journal of the arts and social sciences), University of Dar Es Salaam. 1976. “Class Transformation in the West Bank and Gaza.”, MERIP Reports, No. 53 (Nov. 1976). "Structure and Conditions of Employment in The West Bank and Gaza Strip under Israeli Occupation", a study presented, through TEAM, for ESCWA (Beirut), 1981. “The Palestinian Women’s Movement in the Occupied Territories: Reality and Prospects”, paper presented to a seminar held by the General Union of Palestinian Women in Shariqa, UAE, Feb. 1985. “Preliminary Notes on Palestinian Women’s Participation in Economic Production” (in Arabic), Shu’oun Filistinia (Palestinian issues), No. 115 (June 1981), pp. 39-62. "West Bank and Gaza Strip social formation under Jordanian and Egyptian rule (1948-1967)," Israel/Palestine: Fields for Identity (Review of Middle East Studies 3). London: Scorpion. pp. 33-73. “West Bank and Gaza Strip: Social Formation under Jordanian and Egyptian Rule”, Review of Middle East Studies, Vol. 5, Scorpion Publishing Ltd., London (1992). “The Politics of Demography: The Case of the Occupied West Bank and Gaza Strip”, Journal of Palestine Studies (Arabic edition), No. 4, Autumn 1990, pp. 133-152. “PLO Institutions: The Challenge Ahead”, Journal of Palestine Studies, Vol. XXIII, No. 1, Autumn 1993. Israeli Economic Strategy in The Middle East , IPS (Institute of Palestine Studies), Beirut (in Arabic), 1995. "Problems of Institutionalization of Democracy in the Palestinian Public Sphere", 1995 (in Arabic, Muwatin Ramallah). "The ‘Peace’ Industry in Israel", Palestinian Policy, Centre for Palestine Research and Studies, Summer, No. 7-8 (in Arabic), 1995. The Political Economy of Israel (1985-1995); Structure and Transformations, PASSIA, East Jerusalem, (monograph, in Arabic), summer 1995. "The PLO: Crisis in Legitimacy ", Race and Class, Institute of Race Studies, London, Summer (special issue on Palestine), 1995. "Israel's Conception of The Middle East Regional Order", Journal of Palestine Studies (Arabic edition), Vol. 22, Spring 1995. The State and Democracy, The Palestinian Institute for the Study of Democracy (MUWATIN), Palestine, March 1996 (monograph, in Arabic). "The Case for a Third Force in Palestinian Politics", Journal of Palestine Studies (Arabic edition), Vol. 25, Winter 1996. "The effect of the General Legislative Elections on the Palestinian Political System", Palestinian Policy, Vol. 10, Spring 1996 (in Arabic). “ Poverty in the West Bank and Gaza Strip”, Middle East International, No. 539, 6 December 1996. “Sustainable Human Development & its Implications on Planning & Studying Development in Palestine”, Development Studies Centre, Beirzeit University, June 1998. “Features of Poverty in Palestine”, Palestinian Policy, No. 12, 1966. Co-author, Informal Support Systems in the West Bank and Gaza Strip, Palestine Economic Policy Research Institute (MAS), January 1997 (in Arabic), and in June 1997 in English (monograph). “Reflection on Our Recent History”, Al Karmel, Issue 55-56, 1998. Editor of the Palestine Social Monitor, 1996. The first issue was published in January, 1998 (MAS). The second issue appears in March 1999. Co-author, Formal Support Systems in the West Bank and Gaza Strip, MAS, summer 1997 (monograph). “Poverty in the West Bank and Gaza Strip: A Preliminary Attempt to Estimate and Outline Characteristics and determinants”. A study commissioned by ESCWA (United Nations), published 1997, New York. “The Palestinian Legislative Council: Politico-Social Composition” in The First Palestinian Elections: Political Environment, Electoral Behavior and Results, ed. Dr. Khalil al-Shikaki, Center for Palestine Research and Studies, March 1997. The Labour Market in the West Bank and Gaza Strip: Basic Features and Characteristics, as a senior researcher. The research was commissioned by the Ministry of Labour, August 1997 (monograph). “The Effect of the Oslo Agreement on the Palestinian Political System”, in After Oslo: New Realities, Old Problems, ed. George Giacaman and Dag Jorund Lonning, London and Chicago: Pluto Press. The Palestinian Political System after Oslo; A Critical Assessment, Muwatin (Ramallah), and Institute of Palestine Studies (Beirut), July 1998. Updated in 2006. “Socio-Political Determinants of Poverty in Palestinian”, in K. Koryam & M. Petmesidou (eds.), Poverty and Social Exclusion in the Mediterranean Areas, Crop publication, Bergen 1998. Edited and contributed two sections of “Palestine, A Poverty Report- 1998”, Ministry of Planning and International Cooperation, Ramallah, November 1998. Co-author of “Towards a Social Security System for Palestine” (Monograph in Arabic & English), MAS, December 1998. Editor, Social Monitor, three annual issues, published by MAS (In Arabic and English), for the years 1996, 1997, & 1998. Palestinian Society and the Problematic of Democracy (in Arabic), Center for Research and Studies, Nablus, August, 1999. “Construction de l’Etat dans l’adversité”, in La Palestine en Transition: crise du projet national et construction de l’Etat, Les Annales de l’Autre Islam, No. 8, Paris 2001. Co-author of Civil Society and Governance in Palestine, EUI Working Papers, RSC No 2001/36, Badia Fiesolana, San Domenico 2001. Co-author of Toward an Electoral System for the Democratic State of Palestine (in Arabic), Muwatin, The Palestinian Institute for the Study of Democracy, Ramallah 2001. The Formation of the Palestinian Elite: from the Palestinian National movement to the Rise of the Palestinian Authority, MUWATIN – The Palestinian Institute for the Study of Democracy, Ramallah, 2002. “Un’elite in formazione”, in La Rivista del Manifesto, numero 28, maggio 2002, pp.38-42. “Secularism in Palestinian Political Culture: A Tentative Discourse” in HAGAR, International Social Science Review, Vol. 3, Number 1, 2002. “Separation as a Form of Apartheid”, in Palestine-Israel Journal, Vol. 9, No 3, 2002. Co-author of “Poverty in Jerusalem”, Jerusalem Quarterly File, Institute of Jerusalem Studies, February 2003. “Problematizing Democracy in Palestine”, Comparative Studies of South Asia, Africa and the Middle East, 23:1 & 2 (2003). With Penny Johnson, Riyad Musa, In the Public Interest: Public Revenues, Social Allocations, and Social Needs in Palestine. Social and Economic Policy Research in Palestine (MAS), Ramallah (200). “The Relevance of Quantitative Research in Meeting the Challenges Facing Social Sciences in the Middle East” in: Social Science in the Arab World, Turkey and Iran: Determinants, State and Potentials, edited by: Abdelwalhab Ben Hafiedh & Moushira Elgezeri, Middle East Awards for Population and Social Science & Centre d’Etudes et de Recherches Economique et Sociales, Tunis 2004. Co-editor with Ilan Pappe’ of the book; Parlare con il Nemico. Bollati Bornghieri (Italy) in 2004. Co-Author with M. Khan of chapter entitled "State formation under the PNA: Political outcomes and their viability” In Khan, M. et al, (eds.), State Formation in Palestine. London: RoutledgeCurzon. 2004. “The Making of the Palestinian Poor”: in Petmesidou M. & Papatheodorou C, (eds.): Poverty and Social Deprivation in the Mediterranean Area: Trends, Policies and Welfare Prospects in the New Millennium. London: Zed Books / CROP Series (forthcoming early 2006). “Class Formation, Conservatism and Palestinian Emigration” in Lisa Taraki (ed.), Living Palestine: Family Survival, Resistance, and Mobility under Occupation. Syracuse: Syracuse University Press. 2006. Translated and published into Arabic by the Institute of Palestinian Studies, Beirut, 2008. Leading researcher and national report writer of: The Palestinian Participatory Poverty Assessment (The Poor Speak Out). The report was published ( by Palestinian Ministry of Planning, in English), in July 2002. The research was sponsored by UNDP) on participant poverty assessment in Palestine (2001-2002). The Palestinian Criminal Justice System; a Critical Review, Institute of Law, Berzeit University, 2004. (in Arabic). Co-author of; The Palestinian Informal Justice System (Customary Law) in Palestine. Institute of Law, Berzeit University, (to appear in Autumn 2005, in Arabic). The Palestinian Middle Class, Muwatin, The Palestinian Institute for the Study of Democracy (Ramallah) and the Institute of Palestine Studies (Beirut), 2006. “The impact of migration on Palestinian society”, February 2007 on the website of CARIM, The European University in Florence). “Social safety networks in Palestinian Territories”. (2006). In; Annual Conference Papers and Proceedings, Palestine Economic Policy Research Institute (MAS). (in Arabic) Editor of, Where Now for Palestine; the Demise of the Two States Solution. London and New York; Z Book. 2007. The book has been translated into Italian and Spanish (Milan, 2007 and Barcelona, 2008). “Overcoming Polarization and Fragmentation in Palestinian Society” a background paper for the Human Development Report on Palestine published by UNDP 2010. Co-author (with Dr. Mohamed Nasr) of Measuring Political Capital in the Palestinian Territories, Palestine Economic Policy Research Institute (MAS), 2007. Principal researcher and writer of the ILO report; Unprotected Employment in the West Bank and Gaza Strip: A Gender Equality and Workers’ Rights Perspective. International Labour Organization Regional Office for Arab States and Center for Arab Women Training and Research, June 2008. “Lebanon, Iraq, and Palestinian Authority Territories; Elements of Polarization” (in Arabic), Carnegie, Beirut, 2009. The Palestinian Left; Where to? Published in December 2009 by the Rosa Luxemburg Foundation, Ramallah. Co-editor with Ilan Pappe’, Across the Wall; In Search of a Shared View of Palestinian-Israeli History. I.B. Taurus, (October) 2010. “Civil Society in Palestine; A Literature Review”. A paper presented to the Regional Conference on “Research on Civil society Organizations; Status and Prospects”, 26-28 January 2010, Organized by Foundation for the Future. The study was published, in 2010 on the site of the Organization; ( “The Pauperization of Palestinian Women, Men and Children in West Bank and Gaza”, in; A Dangerous Decade, Institute of Women’s Studies, Birzeit University, 2011. Policy Paper on the socio-economic imperatives for a Palestinian cultural strategy commissioned by Palestinian Ministry of Culture (March 2010),. (Main supervisor and write), “Palestinian basic schools and social capital; Case Studies”, published by the Palestine Economic Policy Research Institute (MAS), in December, 2010 (Arabic with English executive summary). “The Polarization of the Palestinian Political Field”, Journal Of Palestine Studies, 155, Volume XXX1X, Number 3, Spring 2010 (published also in the Arabic Journal of Palestine Studies, late 2010). “The Palestinian question; settler-colonialism, and the quest for statehood” in: Sam Moyo & Paris Yeros (editors), Reclaiming the Nation: The Return of the National Question in Africa, Asia and Latin America, (London: Pluto Press, 2011). (editor and contributor), Palestine: Lessons from the Past; Challenges of the present and Strategies for the Future (in Arabic, Institute of Palestine Studies, Beirut, January, 2012). Highlighting the Predicament of the Palestinian Political Elite (in Arabic), Institute of Palestine Studies, Beirut, February, 2013). (ed. with introduction), The Impact of Arab and Regional Changes on the Arab-Israeli Conflict (in Arabic), Institute of Palestine Studies, Beirut, (April, 2013). (Editor with introduction), Palestinian Youth Movements (in Arabic), Masarat, Ramallah,(October 2013). “The Palestinian middle class confronting political fragmentation, intellectual-cultural stagnation, and conservative tendency” (in Arabic), in Awraq Falstiniya, Issue, No. 3, Sumer 2013 ( Co-editor (and contributer), Mapping of the Arab Left; Contemporary Leftist Politics in the Arab East (in Arabic and English), Rosa Luxemburg, Regional Office, Palestine, 2014. “Re-thinking Palestine ; Settler-colonialism, neo-liberalism and individualism in the West Bank and Gaza Strip” , Contemporary Arab Affairs, Vol. 8, No, 3, 2015. |
Jamil Hilal has an M. Litt in sociology from the University of Durham. He has lectured at the University of Durham, University College London, and University of Dar al-Salam University. He held a senior associate fellowship at Oxford University. Since his return to the West Bank has been a senior associate fellow at Berzeit University (Institute of Development Studies), as well as at Muwatin -the Palestinian Institute for the Study of Democracy, the Institute of Palestine Studies and the Palestine Economic Policy Research Institute (MAS). He published several books and many articles in Arabic and English on poverty, democratization, civil society, social capital, political parties, class formation, political polarization and youth movements. He edited Where Now for Palestine; the Demise of the Two-State Solution (Z Books, 2007), and jointed edited with Ilan Pappe’, Across the Wall (I.B. Tauris, 2010). Hilal lives since 1995 in the occupied West Bank and has lived (and worked) in Jordan, England, Lebanon, Tanzania, Syria, Tunisia, and Italy. |