List of Publications
Books: The Price of Wealth: Economies and Institutions in the Middle East (1997) Articles: "The Regional Economy Write Large: New and Recurring Forms of Poverty and Inequality in the Arab World,” Leonard Binder, ed., Devastated Economies, (UC Press, 2007) “Consuming Interests: Market Failure and the Social Foundations of Iraqi Etatisme,”in Kamil A. Mahdi, ed., Iraq's Economic Predicament, (Reading, UK : Ithaca Press, 2002), Exeter Arab and Islamic Studies Series. “Visions of Redemption, Templates of Despair”, Harvard University Weatherhead Center for International Affairs, Occasional Paper Series, Harvard University, 2003. "Prices and Politics: Two Oil Exporters in the World Economy," Business and Politics,(Winter 2000) "Fictitious Universalism and Substantive Equality: A Comment," Citizenship Studies, (Vol.3, No. 3, 1999) "The Middle East and the Political Economy of Development," Items, vol. 48, no. 2/3, July/September, 1994. *"Economic Liberalization and the Lineages of the Rentier State," Comparative Politics, October 1994. ***"The Myths of the Market and the Common History of Late Developers," Politics and Society, vol. 21, no. 3, September, 1993. "Economic Liberalization in Oil Exporters: Saudi Arabia and Iraq," Eliya Harik and Dennis Sullivan, eds., Privatization and Economic Liberalization in the Middle East, Indiana University Press, 1992. "On the Way to the Market: Economic Liberalization and the Iraqi Invasion of Kuwait," Middle East Report, vol.21, no.3, May/June 1991. **"The Price of Wealth: Business and State in Labor Remittance and Oil Economies," International Organization, vol. 43, no. 1, Winter, 1989. "Ekonomisk liberalisering bakum Iraks invasion" Swedish translation of "On the Way to the Market", Reprinted in kommentar, no. 5, 1991 (Stockholm, Sweden). With Peter McDonough, "State, Society and Sin: The Political Beliefs of University Students in Pakistan," Economic Development and Cultural Change, vol. 13, no. 1, November, 1983. *Also reprinted in Nicholas Hopkins, ed., Arab Society: Contemporary Views, (Cairo: American University in Cairo Press), a collection of required texts for AUC students. Oxford University Press, 2008. *Also reprinted in Politics of the Modern Arab World: Critical Concepts in the Modern Politics of the Arab World, Routledge, 2009. ** Also reprinted in Tim Niblock, The Political Economy of the Middle East, (Exeter, 1998). *** Reprinted in Steven Vogel, ed., The Political Economy Reader, Markets as Institutions, (Routledge, Taylor &Francis, 2007). Also republished in Russian and Chinese. |
Professor Chaudhry teaches in the fields of comparative politics, the political economy of development, the Middle East, North Africa and South Asia. Professor Chaudry received her B.A. from the University of Michigan, and her M.A. and Ph.D. from Harvard University. Her publications include The Price of Wealth (1997); "The Myths of the Market and the Common History of Late Developers," Politics and Society (1993); "Economic Liberalizations and the Lineages of the Rentier State", Comparative Politics (1993); and "The Price of Wealth: Business and State in Labor Remittance and Oil Economics," International Organization (1989).