List of Publications Selected Publications: “Gaza, Lynchings and the Genocidal Logics of Settler Colonialism.” Upping the Anti, (June 2015). “From Third World Internationalism to “the Internationals”: Tracing the Deradicalization of Solidarity with Palestine.” Third World Quarterly, (Submitted). Special Issue: "After Oslo: Settler Colonialism, Neoliberal Development and Liberation in Palestine" (co-edited with Omar Jabary Salamanca). Journal of Palestine Studies (under review). “Disrupting Development, Reclaiming Solidarity: Food Aid and 'Helping' the Colonized.” Special Issue: After Oslo: Settler Colonialism, Neoliberal Development and Liberation in Palestine. Journal of Palestine Studies, (under review). “The “Urban Redesign” of Jenin Refugee Camp: Humanitarian Intervention and Rational Violence.” Journal of Palestine Studies (XLI: 2 2012). In Progress: Special issue: “Palestine and Decolonization.” Decolonization: Indigeneity, Education & Society (co-edited with Chandni Desai). "Towards a Revolutionary Feminist Praxis: Women and Sexual Violence in the Middle East." Feminist Studies. Co-authored with Shahrzad Mojab. |
Linda Tabar is a Visiting Assistant Professor in International Studies at Trinity College. Situated in the field of anti-colonial, anti-racist feminist scholarship, her work focuses on settler colonialism; indigenous theories and practices of decolonization; the relation Palestinian and other indigenous anti-colonial struggles; and feminism and transnational solidarity. She is currently working on a book manuscript entitled Palestine, Memory, Conquest: Native Encounters and Imaginaries of Liberation. The study explores the way Palestinians sift through the memories of the Zionist settler colonial conquest of their land and lives overtime. Integrating these spaces into an analysis of the Palestinian liberation movement, it explores the depth of anti-colonial thought and reveals the decolonizing imaginaries that are enacted in everyday life, as well as artistic and political realms. Linda is co-editing a forthcoming edition of the journal Decolonization: Indigeneity, Education & Society on Decolonization and Palestine, which revisits past and present relationships between the Palestine and other indigenous liberation struggles, black internationalist, feminist and anti-imperialist movements, as it advances conversations on global decolonization. She is currently co-authoring a study on predatory capitalism under settler colonialism, which examines the effects of corporate land on native Palestinians peasant communities and their presence on the land. She is also co-writing an article on sexual violence and imperialism in the Middle East. In her forthcoming article on solidarity she examines the deradicalization of solidarity with Palestine by tracing the shift from third world internationalism to ‘the internationals.’ Her articles on settler colonialism, memory, and the impact of neoliberalism and the aid regime on anti-colonial movements and struggles have appeared in a variety of journals including: Upping the \Anti, Journal of Palestine Studies, Critical Arts: Journal of South -North Media and Cultural Studies and Comparative Studies of South Asia, Africa and the Middle East. She teaches courses on women, war and violence in the Middle East; the politics of memory; third world internationalism and transnational solidarity; and NGOs and neoliberalism. |