List of Publications/Talks/Presentations Lectures: - Lecture, A Triptych of Jewish Kurdistan: Three Perspectives on an Elusive Community: An introduction to the Work of Erich Brauer, Haya Gavish, and Mordechai Zaken, 09/14/2015, AUDK, (American University of Duhok), Duhok, Iraq - Lecture, An Anthropological Perspective on the Evolution of Rural & Urban Organization in Shaping Iraqi Kurdish Identity: The Case of Collective Towns, 09/03/2015, AUDK, (American University of Duhok), Duhok, Iraq - Lecture: History of Iraqi Tobacco in the 20th Century, 09/07/2015, AUDK, (American University of Duhok), Duhok, Iraq. - Lecture, Iraqi Kurdistan in the 1970s: From Cooperative Development to Forced Displacement, 09/03/2015, AUDK, (American University of Duhok), Duhok, Iraq. - Lecture, A decade of Vacillating Development Policies in the Kurdish Governorates of Iraq: From positive reform to punitive resettlement during the 1970’s, 06/17/2015, Ifpo Erbil (Institut Français du Proche Orient), Erbil, Iraq. Presentations: - Conference presentation, State-Society Relations in Northern Iraq: Political Economy and Prospects for Independence: Conference Kurdistan and the Changing Middle East, 11/06/2014, The Jackson School of International Studies, University of Washington in Seattle, US. - Conference presentation, From Cooperative Development to Forced Displacement: the Case of the Collective Towns in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq: RGS-IBG (Royal Geographical Society), Annual International Conference, 27-29 August 2014, London, UK. - Conference presentation, Land Reform and Collective Failure: The Mixed Lessons of Iraqi Development in the Kurdish Region During the 1970’s: WOCMES (World Congress for Middle Eastern Studies), 18-22 August 2014, Ankara, Turkey. -Conference presentation, A Decade of Vacillating Development Policies in the Kurdish Governorates of Iraq: From Positive Reform to Punitive Resettlement during the 1970's, BRISMES (British Society for Middle Eastern Studies), Annual Conference 2014: The Middle East in Global Perspective: Interactions Across Time and Space, 15-17 June 2014, Brighton, UK. - Conference presentation, Settlement Policy of the Iraqi State in the Kurdish Region in the 70’s: Workshop IFEA-ifpo: The Development of Relations Between States and the Kurdish Areas: What Impact on Local Modes of Governance? 06/02/2014. Ifpo (Institut Français du Proche Orient), Erbil, Iraq. - Lecture, De la conscription à la désertion : les déserteurs kurdes de l'armée syrienne, 02/24/2014, Institut Français, Erbil, Iraq. - Lecture, Escape From Syria: From Conscription to Desertion, the Experience of Syrian Kurds in Assad’s Wartime Army, 09/19/2013, IFEA (Institut Français d’Etudes Anatoliennes), Istanbul, Turkey. - Presentations, 3rd Scientific World Kurdish Congress (WKC2013) 2013, Stockholm, Sweden. * An Anthropological Perspective on the Evolution of Rural and Urban Organization in Shaping Kurdish Identity: The Case of the Mujamma’at (Collective Towns) of Iraqi Kurdistan * From Development to Forced Displacement: Ambivalent Relations between the Iraqi Ba’athist Regime and the Kurdish Governorates 1970-1980 - Interview: Matinale spéciale en direct du camp de réfugiés syriens de Domiz, France Inter, Radio Program, 04/22/2014, Interview on the Syrian Kurdish deserters from the Syrian Army Articles: - Article, Iraq's Collective Towns: From Widows to Syrian Refugees and Real Estate Moguls, 12/05/2013, Niqash. |
Mélisande Genat is a doctoral student in the history department. Her current research focus is on the social and economic history of post-revolutionary Iraq (1958-1980). She has lived and conducted research in northern Iraq from 2010 to 2014. Her research interests include Kurdish studies, development economics, rural sociology, collectivization in Iraq, and rural land reform. She is currently also a PhD student in political science in France at the EHESS writing a dissertation entitled From Cooperative Development to Forced Displacement: Ambivalent Relations Between the Iraqi Ba’athist Regime and the Kurdish Governorates, 1970-1980 |