List of Publications Studies: December 2014: Lending and Development Policies in the Occupied Palestinian Territories. Jaber, Firas, Imad Sayrafi. Birzeit University: Center for Development Studies (Study, Arabic, English). December 2013: Palestine Accession to the WTO (Study, Arabic). January 2012: Palestinian Political Parties Development Vision (Study, Arabic). December 2011: Development and Economic in Palestine, Convenio 2015 and more (Research Paper, English). June 2011: Economic and Development in Palestine, Al Ahram Center for Political & Strategic studies (Research Paper, Arabic). 7 October, 2010: Ruins of the Palestinian Economy, Al Akhbar Newspaper, Lebanon. (Research paper, Arabic). December, 2009: Palestine Case Study Report in “Means of Enhancing the Role of Women in Conflict Resolution and Peacebuilding: Case studies on Palestine, Lebanon and Iraq”, Kuttab, Eileen and Firas Jaber. New York: ESCWA, UN. (Research, Arabic). February, 2009: Chapter titled “the social background of wearing Hijab”, Book title “Hijab”. Edited by Sara Kantkous. London: Tuwa, media and publishing. November, 2007: Community Based Organizations and Local Councils “Vision and Development Role”. Bisan Center. Co-Author (Research -Arabic- English). Winter, 2007: Control Relations within the Israeli Prison. Turath Al-Majtama Magazine. Inash Alusrah Society. Volume 46. (Study). June, 2007: “The Scio- Economic status of the young girls in the old city: Bab Houta”. Burj Al Luq Luq Community Centre and Society. (Study). Winter, 2006: Globalization in Popular Arabic Songs. Turath Al-Majtama Magazine. Inash Alusrah Society. Part 2 of 2. Volume 45. (Study). Spring, 2006: Globalization in Popular Arabic Songs. Turath Al-Majtama Magazine. Inash Alusrah Society. Part 1 of 2. Volume 43. (Study). March, 2004: Needs Assessment Study for Panorama Center Volunteers (Study). December, 2003: The Culture of the Oppressed and Political Participation. Panorama Center. Co-Author (Research- Arabic). Articles: December 14, 2011: Three Discourses and a missing Vision, Al Akhbar Newspaper, Lebanon. April 6 2011: Punitive Governance: between inclusion and exclusion, Al Akhbar Newspaper, Lebanon. April 24, 2007: Cultural attractions and restructuring within the civil society, Al-Ayyam Newspaper (Article). March 8, 2007: Palestinian Development in the Era of Free Market, Al-Ayyam Newspaper (Article). January 21, 2007: Unity of Opposites, Al-Ayyam Newspaper (Article). November 4, 2006: In Internal Crisis, Al-Ayyam Newspaper (Article). September, 2006: Interview with Mr. George Kurzom, Maan Development Center on International NGOs in Palestine. Nazaha Newsletter, Aman Coalition. September, 2006: Interview with Dr. Rasem Jaber, Ministry of Health on Palestinian Health NGOs. Nazaha Newsletter, Aman Coalition. September, 2006: Interview with Dr. Hisham Mustafa, Minstry of Planning on International NGOs in Palestine. Nazaha Newsletter, Aman Coalition. July 25, 2006: Towards Civil Peace, Al-Ayyam Newspaper (Article). May, 2006: NGOs Accountability: the Role of Employees. Nazaha Newsletter, Aman Coalition (Article). April 8, 2006: Culture of Denying the Other, Al-Ayyam Newspaper (Article). February 27, 2006: In Political Mobilization, Al-Ayyam Newspaper (Article). December 13, 2005: The Institute Structure for the Cultural Attack, Al-Ayyam Newspaper (Article). November 24, 2005: About Security Chaos, Al-Ayyam Newspaper (Article). October 1, 2005: About Symbolism Speech in Palestine, Al-Ayyam Newspaper (Article). September 10, 2005: Agricultural Sector Development, Al-Ayyam Newspaper (Article). August 31, 2005: The Third Democratic Movement, Al-Ayyam Newspaper (Article). August 13, 2005: In Culture of Elite, Al-Ayyam Newspaper (Article). July, 28, 2005: In Security Chaos, Al-Ayyam Newspaper (Article). June 28, 2005: Globalization, Development & Arabs, Al-Ayyam Newspaper (Article). May 14, 2005: Family Democracy, Al-Ayyam Newspaper (Article). February, 2005: Reading in the Results of the Presidential Elections, Al-Ayyam Newspaper (Article). Public Opinion Polls: January, 2006: The Second Legislative Elections in Palestine (Public Opinion Poll). September, 2005: Good Governance and Democracy in the Palestinian Society (Public Opinion Poll). August, 2005: Youth Political Trends in the Palestinian Society (Public Opinion Poll). May, 2005: Upcoming Legislative Elections in the Palestinian Society (Public Opinion Poll). January, 2005: Good Governance and Democracy in the Palestinian Society (Public Opinion Poll). August, 2004: Trends of the Society Towards the Law and Democracy in Palestine (Public Opinion Poll). June, 2004: Trends in the Palestinian Society Towards the Current Political Mobility (Public Opinion Poll). May, 2004: The Performance of Health Institution in Palestine (Public Opinion Poll). March, 2004: Performance of Local Government Institutions in Palestine (Public Opinion Poll). February, 2004: Role of Government Institution in Palestine (Public Opinion Poll). January, 2004: Distribution of Job Opportunities in the Palestinian Society (Public Opinion Poll). December, 2003: The Presence and Role of Political Participation in the Palestinian Society (Public Opinion Poll). Under Publishing: “The Scio- Economic status of the young girls in the old city: Bab Houta”. Burj Al Luq Luq Center. |
Firas Jaber is a co-founder of and current researcher at AlMarsad, a political, social and economic observatory institute. He has completed several studies and published multiple books, supervised a series of public opinion polls and a number of survey-based research studies. He is a member and a leader of research teams in studies related to needs assessment studies, capacity building, participatory applied studies and gender related issues. He also conducted several studies on development in the Arab world, in cooperation with specialized Arab research institutions and has worked as a social expert with a consulting firm that worked with the Municipal Development and Lending Fund on developing strategic plans. He has good experience in preparing training materials about social participation and social risk management. Firas was the former Director of Research at Bisan Center for Research and Development. He joined Al-Mada as a consultant researcher and a member of the Board of Directors. In December 2010 he earned his Master’s degree in Sociology from Birzeit University and he holds a BA from Bethlehem University. |