List of Publications Publications in Refereed Journals: 1. ³Total Factor Productivity, Foreign Direct Investment and Entry Barriers in Chinese Automobile Industry.² Forthcoming in Emerging Markets Finance and Trade, 2015. (with L. Su). 2. ³Firm Productivity, Exchange Rate Movements, Sources of Finance and Export Orientation.² World Development54: 204 219, 2014 (with M. Caglayan). 3. ³Preferential Trade Agreements and Manufactured Goods Trade: Does It Matter Whom You PTA With?² Applied Economics 45(34): 4754 4772, 2013 (with O.S. Dahi). 4. ³Growth under Exchange Rate Volatility: Does Access to Foreign or Domestic Equity Markets Matter.² Journal of Development Economics 100(1): 74 88, 2013. ·Winner of the 2013 Best Academic Paper Award by the Central Bank of Turkey. 5. ³Trade Flows, Exchange Rate Uncertainty and Financial Depth: Evidence from 28 Emerging Countries.² Southern Economic Journal 79(4): 905 927, 2013 (with M. Caglayan and O.S. Dahi). 6.³Income Inequality and Structures of International Trade.² Asia Pacific Journal of Accounting and Economics 19(2): 167 180, 2012 (with J. Ju and Y. Zhou). 7. ³Asymmetric Effects of Financial Development on South-South and South-North Trade: Panel Data Evidence from Emerging Markets.² Journal of Development Economics 94(1): 139 149, 2011 (with O.S. Dahi). 8. ³Exchange Rate Volatility and Employment Growth in Developing Countries: Evidence from Turkey.² World Development 38(8):1127 1140, 2010.·Winner of the 2008 Ibn Khaldun Prize in Economics awarded by the Middle East Economics Association. 9. ³Financial Liberalization, Private Investment and Portfolio Choice: Financialization of Real Sectors in Emerging Markets.² Journal of Development Economics 88(2): 314 324, 2009. 10. ³Capital Market Imperfections and Financialization of Real Sectors in Emerging Markets: Private Investment and Cash Flow Relationship Revisited.² World Development 37(5): 953 964, 2009. 11. ³Volatility of Short Term Capital Flows and Private Investment in Emerging Markets.² Journal of Development Studies 45(5): 672 692,2009. 12. ³Financialization and Manufacturing Firm Profitability under Uncertainty and Macroeconomic Volatility: Evidence from an Emerging Market.² Review of Development Economics 13(4): 592 609, 2009. 13. ³Macroeconomic Uncertainty and Private Investment in Argentina, Mexico and Turkey.² Applied Economics Letters 16(6): 567 571, 2009. 14. ³South-South Trade in Manufactures: Current Performance and Obstacles for Growth.² Review of Radical Political Economics 40(3): 266 275, 2008 (with O.S. Dahi). 15. ³The Rise of Rentier Capitalism and the Financialization of Real Sectors in Developing Countries.² Review of Radical Political Economics 39(3): 351 359, 2007.·Translated (in Turkish) and reprinted in Mulkiye Dergisi 257: 25 35, 2007. 16. ³Militarization of the Market and Rent Seeking Coalitions in Turkey.² Development and Change 36(4): 667 690, 2005. 17. ³A Failure Story: Politics and Financial Liberalization in Turkey, Revisiting the Revolving Door Hypothesis.² World Development 32(5): 851 869, 2004. Publications in Edited Books: 18. ³From the Great Moderation to the Great Recession: Capitalism in Crisis or Crisis Capitalism.² In C. Bakir, Z. Onis, and F. Senses (Eds.), Küresel Ekonomik Kriz Sonrasžnda Yeni Dünya Düzeni (The New World Order after the Global Economic Crisis). Iletisim, 2013. 19. ³Labor Market Performance after Structural Adjustment in Developing Countries: The Interesting but not so Unique Case of Turkey.² In L.K. Valencia and B.J. Hahn (Eds.), Employment and Labor Issues: Unemployment, Youth Employment and Child Labor (pp.1 37). Nova Science Publishers, 2010 (with N. Erdem). 20. ³A Political Economy Analysis of the Turkish Military¹s Split Personality: The Patriarchal Master or Crony Capitalist?² In T. Cetin and F. Yilmaz (Eds.), Understanding the Process of Economic Change in Turkey: An Institutional Approach (pp.159 181). Nova Science Publishers, 2010. 21. ³Turkish Post-Crisis Development Experience from a Comparative Perspective: Structural Break of Business as Usual?² In Z. Önis and F. Senses (Eds.), Turkish Economy in the Post-Crisis Era: The New Phase of Neo-Liberal Restructuring and Integration to the Global Economy (pp.11 33). Routledge, 2009. 22. ³Volatility of Short Term Capital Flows and Socio-Political Instability in Developing Countries: A Review.² In T.N. Caldeira (Ed.), Economics of Developing Countries (pp.53 77). Nova Science Publishers, 2009. 23. ³Economic Development and the Fabrication of the Middle East as a Eurocentric Project.² In R.K. Kanth (Ed.) The Challenge of Eurocentrism (pp.63 82). MacMillan, 2009 (with F. Kaboub). 24. ³The Middle East and North Africa.² In A.K. Dutt and J.Ros (Eds.), International Handbook of Development Economics (pp.522 535). Edward Elgar, 2008 (with O.S. Dahi). 25. ³Value Creation in Acquisitions: Privatization of Turk Telekom.² In H.F. Ulrich and E.P. Lehrmann (Eds.), Telecommunications Research Trends (pp.107 126). Nova Science Publishers, 2008 (with V.B. Uysal). Publications in Policy Journals: 26. ³Turkey¹s Enemy Within.² Foreign Policy <>, January 23, 2014. 27. ³Why the Protests in Turkey make me Optimistic about the Future of Democracy.² Foreign Policy <>, June 6, 2013. 28. ³Here is What You Need to Know about the Clashes in Turkey.² Foreign Policy <>, June 1, 2013. Papers Under Review: 1.³Effects of FDI Flows on Institutional Development in the South: Does It Matter Where the Investors are from? (Revised and Resubmitted to World Development) 2. ³Institutional Differences and Direction of Bilateral FDI Flows: Are South-South Flows any Different than the Rest?² (with Chenghao Hu, submitted to The World Economy). Work In Progress: 1. ³Political Economy of South-South Trade and Finance.² Book manuscript, under contract with Anthem Press (with Omar S. Dahi). 2. ³Investment Effects of Output Volatility in Trading Partners² (with Pallab K. Ghosh and Li Su). 3. ³Effects of Exchange Rate Volatility on Export Structure?² (with Wenliang Ren). 4. ³Corporate Tax Competition and Competition for Bilateral FDI Flows² (with Cynthia Rogers and Chengrui Xiao). 5. ³Exchange Rates Movements and State Level Exports and Imports: US vs. China² (with Chen Wu). 6. ³The Limits of the New Regionalism: Syrian-Turkish Economic Relations in a Transitional Middle East² (with O.S. Dahi). 7. ³Does the Source of Finance Matter for Firm Performance? Foreign Investment vs. Stock Market² (with V.B. Uysal). Interviews: 1. ³War against ISIS, Nusra Front and US Middle East Policy,² RTTV <> (TV, 6/11/2015). 2. ³US policy in the Middle East and Russia-US talks on Syria,² RT Arabic <> (TV, 5/19/2015). 3. ³Humanitarian Crisis in Yemen,² RTTV <> (TV, 4/27/2015). 4. ³Yemen Crisis and Arab League Action,² RTTV <> (TV,3/29/2015); RTTV <> (TV, 4/4/2015); RTTV <> (TV, 4/12/2015). 5. ³Yemen as a Failed State,² RTTV <> (TV,3/20/2015). 6. ³Political Risks, Exchange Rate Shocks and AKP Government in Turkey,² Capital <> (Bulgaria,3/11/2015). 7. ³Jordan and ISIS Threat in the Middle East,² LYVBH Radio <> (Radio, New York City, 02/08/2015). 8. ³Jordan and the War against ISIS,² RTTV <> (TV, 2/4/2015); 9. ³Minimum Wage in Oklahoma,² Norman Transcript (Newspaper, 1/14/2015). 10. ³ISIS and War in Syria and Iraq,² RTTV <> (TV,12/24/2014). 11. ³Is Kobani Forgotten?² RTTV (TV, 11/23/2014). 12. ³Turkey and the US Relations under ISIS threat,² RTTV (TV, 11/13/2014). 13. ³War Against ISIS and Extremists,² RTTV (TV, 10/31/2014). 14. ³Turkey and Kurds in Kobani,² RTTV <> (TV, 10/13/2014). 15. ³Turkey and War in Syria,² RTTV (TV, 10/02/2014). 16. ³Turkey, War in Syria and Spread of Extremism,² RTTV (TV, 04/01/2014). 17. ³AKP and Corruption Scandal in Turkey,² Capital <>(Magazine, Bulgaria, 01/03/2014). 18. ³Corruption Scandal in Turkey,² RTTV (TV, 12/26/2013); 19. ³Syria and Turkey,² RTTV (TV, 7/15/2013). 20. ³Protests in Turkey,² KGOU <> (Radio, 5/24/2013); Voice of Russia (Radio, 6/3/2013); RTTV (TV, 6/5/2013; 9/10/2013); Q-Magazine <> (Romania,6/10/2013); Capital <> (Bulgaria, 6/13/2013). 21. ³Guns and Butter,² Foreign Policy <>, January24, 2012. 22. ³Istihdam Kurda Yem Oldu: Doviz Kurlarindaki Oynaklik Istihdami Nasil Etkiliyor? (Employment Fed to the Wolf: How Does Exchange Rate Volatility Affect Employment?),² Turkish Time, October 2010, 54 60. |
I am an Associate Professor in the department of economics at the University of Oklahoma <>(Norman, OK). I received my B.A. in management from Bogazici University (Turkey), and M.A. and Ph.D. in economics from University of Notre Dame (USA). My main fields of research include open economy macroeconomics, development economics and political economy focusing on the issues of financial globalization, trade structure, South-South trade and finance, long run development and growth, political economy of development, and comparative economic development in Turkey and the Middle East. My more recent research also explores the causes and effects of South-South trade and finance from a structuralist perspective. I have published articles in Applied Economics, Development and Change, Foreign Policy, Journal of Development Economics, Journal of Development Studies, Review of Development Economics, Review of Radical Political Economics, Southern Economic Journal, and World Development, among others. I also regularly contribute to TV and radio interviews on the current Middle Eastern issues. I currently serve in the editorial board of the Review of Radical Political Economics. |