List of Publications Academic Journal/Peer-Reviewed Articles: 1. “The Limits of the New Regionalism: Syrian-Turkish Relations in retrospect” under review Middle East Critique (with F. Demir) 2. “Preferential Trading Agreements and Manufactured Goods: Does it Matter Who You PTA With?” Applied Economics 45(34):4754-4772 2013 (with F. Demir). 3. “Trade Flows, Exchange Rate Uncertainty and Financial Depth: Evidence from 28 Emerging Countries” Southern Economic Journal, 79(4) 2013 (with M. Caglayan and F. Demir). 4. “The political economy of the Egyptian and Arab Revolt” International Development Studies Bulletin, 43(1) January 2012. 5. “Revolts in Syria: Tracking the Convergence Between Authoritarianism and Neoliberalism,” Journal of Asian and African Studies (47) 2012 (with Y. Munif). German translation: INAMO Middle East journal, Winter Issue 2011 Arabic translation: Bidayat journal, Winter/Spring 2012 (inaugural issue) Reprint Sanhati Journal. “Revolts in Syria:Tracking the Convergence Between Authoritarianism and Neoliberalism,” Sanhati Online Journal October 16, 2011. Reprint Z Magazine “Syria’s Revolts” November 2011. 6. “Understanding the Political Economy of the Arab Revolts,” Middle East Report, Summer 2011. Swedish translation: Fronesis journal, April 2012. 7. “Asymmetric Effects of Financial Development on South-South and South-North Trade: Panel Data Evidence From Emerging Markets,” Journal of Development Economics, 2011 (with F. Demir). 8. “South-South Trade in Manufactures : Current Performance and Obstacles for Growth.” Review of Radical Political Economics 40(3): 266-275, 2008 (with F. Demir). Articles, Book Chapters, Book Reviews: 1. “The Refugee crisis in Jordan and Lebanon: the need for economic development spending,” Forced Migration Review, September 2014. 2. “The Economic Consequences of the conflict in Syria,” Turkish Review, April 2014. 3. “Syria in Fragments: The Politics of the Refugee Crisis,” Dissent, Winter 2014. 4. “The Syrian Refugee crisis: challenges and long-term solutions,” Carnegie Middle East Center Syrian Economic Reconstruction Roundtable, October 2013. 5. “Tutto cio che i petrodollari possono comprare” (“The Saudi Arabian economy”), Limes Rivista Italiana di Geopolitica, no. 9, Fall 2013 6. “Breaking Point: The Crisis of Syrian Refugees in Lebanon,” Middle East Report Online, September 25, 2013 ( 7. “Chemical Attacks and Military Interventions,” Jadaliyya e-zine, August 28, 2013. ( Spanish translation: Arabic translation:الهجمات-بالسلاح-الكيماوي-والتدخلات-العسكرية 8. “MENA and the Global Economy Pre- and Post- Uprisings” Project on Middle East Political Science, Institute of Middle East Studies, George Washington University, May 28, 2013. 9. Review of The Poorer Nations: a possible history of the Global South, by Vijay Prashad. Jadaliyya, May 13, 2013 ( 10. “Economic roots of the Syrian Uprising,” (Persian) BBC Persian, April 5, 2013 ( 11. “The Syrian Cataclysm” MERIP Blog, March 4, 2013 12. “After Battles Comes Syria’s Economic Choices” Carnegie Endowment for International Peace , Sada Online Journal, December 11, 2012 (Arabic version: 13. “A Syrian Dilemma” Wiener Institut fur internationalen Dialog und Zusammenarbeit Newsletter (Austria), April 26, 2012 14. Review of Capitalism and Class in the Gulf States, by Adam Hanieh. Arab Studies Journal, Spring 2012 XX (1): 147-151. Reprint Jadaliyya ( April 30 2012 15. “Syria and the International Left” Translation Exercises blog, March 12, 2012 Arabic translation: Al-Manshour online newspaper, April 16, 2012 16. Notes on the Syrian Uprising, Jadaliyya, February 12, 2012 17. “A Syrian Drama. A Taxonomy of a Revolution,” Syria Comment, August 13, 2011 German translation: INAMO Middle East journal, Fall Issue September 2011 18. Review of Ambiguities of Domination (arabic translation), by Lisa Wedeen. Journal of Palestine Studies, Fall 2011 (in Arabic). (invited) 19. “The Arab Revolts,” Center for Popular Economics Newsletter, April 2011 20. “Critique of Neoliberalism in Syria,” Syria Comment, November 13th, 2009 21. “Ironies of the NAM summit,” Znet, July 19th, 2009 22. “Syrian Economy. Which way forward?” Forward Magazine, May 2007 23. “The Middle East and North Africa.” A.K. Dutt and J. Ros (eds.), International Handbook of Development Economics. Edward Elgar, 2008 (with F. Demir). |
Omar S. Dahi is an associate professor of economics at Hampshire College. He specializes in economic development and international trade, with a focus on South-South economic relations and the political economy of the Middle East and North Africa. Dahi’s work has been published in various academic journals, including the Journal of Development Economics, Applied Economics, and the Southern Economic Journal. Dahi also serves on the editorial team of the Middle East Report and is co-editor of the Syria page at Jadaliyya. |