Mandy TurnerTopics of Interest:
Political Economy of the Occupied Palestinian Territory, Political Economy of War and Peace, Left-wing Political Activism in Israel, Peacebuilding and Development, Politics of International Intervention Countries/Regions of Interest: Middle East, Israel/Palestine, Balkans, Bosnia, Kosova |
List of Publications Books: Decolonizing Palestinian Political Economy: De-development and Beyond , (co-editor with Omar Shweiki), Basingstoke: PalgraveMacmillan, 2014. The Politics of International Intervention: the Tyranny of Peace, (co-editor with Florian Kühn), Routledge, forthcoming, 2015. Whose Peace?: Critical Perspectives on the Political Economy of Peacebuilding (co-editor with Michael Pugh and Neil Cooper), Basingstoke: PalgraveMacmillan, 2008/2011. Peer Reviewed Articles: “Creating a counterhegemonic praxis: Israeli activists and the challenge to Zionism”, Conflict, Security and Development, special issue on ‘Palestine/Israel after Oslo: Mapping transformations and alternatives in a time of deepening crisis’ (co-edited with Cherine Hussein), forthcoming. “Peacebuilding as counterinsurgency in the occupied Palestinian territory” Review of International Studies, 41, 2015, pp.73-98. “The iron fist of liberal intervention inside the velvet glove of Kantian idealism: a response to Burke” (with Neil Cooper), Critical Studies on Security, 1 (1), 2013, pp. 35-41 “Completing the circle: peacebuilding as colonial practice in the occupied Palestinian territory”, International Peacekeeping, 19(5), 2012, pp.492-507. “The End of History and the Last Liberal Peacebuilder: a Reply to Roland Paris (with Michael Pugh and Neil Cooper) in Review of International Studies, 37(3), 2011, pp.1995-2007. “Creating ‘Partners for Peace’: the Palestinian Authority and the International Statebuilding Agenda”, Journal of Intervention and Statebuilding, 4(1), 2011, pp.1-21. “The Power of ‘Shock and Awe’: the Palestinian Authority and the Road to Reform”, International Peacekeeping, 16 (4), 2009, pp.562-577. “Society Must Be Protected: Polanyi’s ‘Double Movement’ and the Regulation of Conflict Goods”, Journal of Corporate Citizenship, 2007, pp. 85-99. “Building Democracy in Palestine: Liberal Peace Theory and the Election of Hamas”, Democratization, 13 (5), 2006, pp.739-755. “Taming Mammon: Corporate Social Responsibility and the Global Regulation of Conflict Trade”, Conflict, Security and Development, 6(3), 2006, pp.365-387. “Towards a New Agenda for Transforming War Economies” (with Michael Pugh), Conflict, Security and Development, 6(3), 2006, pp. 471-479. Academic Publications, Book Chapters: “Peacebuilding in Palestine: Western strategies in a context of colonisation”, in Karim Makdisi and Vijay Prashad (eds.), Land of Blue Helmets: the UN in the Arab World, University of California Press, 2015, forthcoming. “Securing and stabilising: Peacebuilding as counterinsurgency in the occupied Palestinian territory”, The Politics of International Intervention, 2015, op cit, forthcoming. “Richard Falk, a citizen-pilgrim for Palestine: Bearing witness and the role of UN Special Rapporteur for the oPt”, Henry Frank Carey and George J. Andreopoulous, R. Justice and World Order: Reassessing Richard Falk’s Scholarship and Advocacy, Routledge, 2015, forthcoming. “The political economy of western aid in the occupied Palestinian territory since the Oslo Accord”, Decolonizing Palestinian Political Economy, 2014, op cit. “Statebuilding in Palestine: caught between occupation, realpolitik and the liberal peace” in David Chandler and Timothy D. Sisk (eds.) Routledge Handbook of International Statebuilding, Abingdon: Routledge, 2013, pp.339-349. “Security, Cooptation and Resistance: Peaebuilding-as-Fragmentation in the occupied Palestinian territory” in Oliver P. Richmond and Audra Mitchell (eds.) Hybrid Forms of Peace: From the ‘Everyday’ to Post-Liberalism, Basingstoke: PalgraveMacmillan, 2011, pp.188-207. “Institutionalised and Co-opted: Why Human Security has Lost its Way”, (with Michael Pugh and Neil Cooper) in David Chandler and Nik Hynek (eds) Critical Perspectives on Human Security: Discourses of Emancipation and Regimes of Power, Routledge, 2010, pp.83-96. “Diasporas and Postconflict Reconstruction”, in Ashok Swain and John Hall (eds) Diasporas and their Involvement in Peace Processes, Uppsala University, November 2007. “Conflict Prevention and Access to Water in Sub-Saharan Africa”, (with Volke Boege) in Owen Greene, Julia Buxton and C. Salonius-Pasternak (eds), 2006, Conflict Prevention, Management and Reduction in Africa, Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland. “Small Arms and Light Weapons and Development Programmes: Issues and Priorities for the EU” (with Jeremy Ginifer) in UNIDIR (2005) Peace-Building, Conflict Prevention and Development, Geneva: UNIDIR. Extended Book Reviews: “The Forgotten People” [on Palestinian refugees] in Journal of Intervention and Statebuilding, 6(1), 2012, pp.107-115. “Civil War and its Discontents”, International Peacekeeping, 15 (5), 2008, pp.706-712. Other Publications: “Creating a counterhegemonic praxis: Israeli activists and the challenge to the Oslo peace paradigm”, CBRL Bulletin, 9, 2014. “Critical Perspectives on Peacebuilding in the oPt”, CBRL Bulletin, 8, 2013. “Aid and the ‘Partners for Peace Paradigm’ in the oPt”, CBRL Bulletin, 6, 2011, pp. 35-42. “The Palestinian Reform and Development Plan: Promoting Development in a Conflict-country Context”, CBRL Bulletin, 5, 2010, pp. 64-66. “Challenges of Implementing the Palestinian Statebuilding Programme”, paper for the UN Seminar on Assistance to the Palestinian People, ‘Mobilising Efforts in Support of the Palestinian Government’s Statebuilding Programme’, 28-29 April 2011, Helsinki, %20Turner.pdf “The Israeli Ambassador is Wrong”, 28 August 2008, The Guardian, Comment is Free, “Still Standing”, The Guardian, 14 November 2008, journalismcompetition/still-standing. Article published as finalist for The Guardian 'International Development Journalist of the Year' 2008 competition. “Tackling Child Labour”, entry for The Guardian International Development Journalist of the Year Award, 2008, “Scramble for Africa”, The Guardian, 2 May 2007. “What is Wrong with the Current Peacebuilding Agenda?”, The World Today, November 2006. “Making Peace after War” (an extended review essay of Roland Paris’s At War’s End), 2006, |
Mandy Turner is the Director of the Kenyon Institute (Council for British Research in the Levant) in East Jerusalem, and a Visiting Research Fellow at the Middle East Centre, London School of Economics (LSE). Previous positions include Lecturer in Conflict Resolution at the University of Bradford (UK) and Teaching Fellow at University College London. Before entering academia, Mandy was a journalist with The Guardian newspaper in London. Qualifications: BSc Sociology (LSE); MSc International Relations (LSE); PhD International Relations (Thesis: ‘The Expansion of International Society?: Egypt and Vietnam in the History of Uneven and Combined Development’; unpublished). Mandy’s research and publications focus thematically on the politics of intervention, and the political economy of peacebuilding and development in conflict and war-torn societies, with a country focus on the occupied Palestinian territory. From 2006-2015, she was a co-editor of the journal International Peacekeeping, and was a founding member of the journal Historical Materialism: Research in Critical Marxist Theory. She is currently writing a monograph on the interrelationship (historically, conceptually and institutionally) between counterinsurgency, colonialism, western development practices, and post-Cold War peacebuilding interventions. |