James Boyce: Political Economy of the Environment
Reading List:
Sandra Halperin: State Formation
Reading List:
William Robinson: Imperialism
Reading List:
George DeMartino: Critique of Neoclassical Economics
Reading List:
Dale Tomich: World Systems Theory
Reading List:
Karen Pfeifer: Labor
Reading List: Historical Materialism: Engels, Friedrich, Socialism, Utopian and Scientific, English translation 1892. The Labor Theory of Value: Sweezy, Paul M., Theory of Capitalist Development,” NY: Monthly Review Press 1970.
Applying Historical Materialist Analysis to Existing Capitalist Society: McDonough, Terrence, Michael Reich and David M. Kotz, “Introduction,” pp. 1-19, in Terrence McDonough, Michael Reich and David M. Kotz, eds., Contemporary Capitalism and its Crises: Social Structure of Accumulation Theory for the 21st Century, NY: Cambridge University Press 2010. Applying Historical Materialism and Labor Theory to Contemporary Middle East Society:
Adam Hanieh: Class Formation
Reading List: General Theoretical Issues
Sayres Rudy and Max Ajl: Marx and Capital
Reading List: Primary From R. Tucker, ed., Marx-Engels Reader, 2nd ed. (Norton 1978).
From T. H. Austin and C. H. E. Philpin, The Brenner Debate: Agrarian Class Structure and Economic Development in Pre-Industrial Europe (Cambridge 1985).
Secondary [recommended, not "required"]
Andrew Zimmerman: Rural/Agrarian Politics and Economies
Reading List: